Thursday 19 September 2013

3. What gives More Freedom?

Ah yes the old debate on freedom. People are always going on about the freedom of the people or the right to not pay soap tax. At any rate the list of freedom fights goes on for quite a long time. So what is the deal?

Around the mid-1800s there was a change from the ideas of monarchy to government, it is a common known fact that it all started around the American Revolution and spread from there. By the mid-1800s the change was accepted, but what was not accepted was the definition of it. People from the start abused this and simply justified it by changing the meaning and then no one could go against it. You either believed in freedom or you did not.

The real definition was the government and that is dependent on the depravation of free will the cause of freedom.

The government then says you “deserve” the rights to this so called freedom and that leads us to the concept of a right.

A right is a thing that is treated like an entitlement or something that you deserve. Now who decides what person deserves? Is it a person that knows the man or woman that this right is given too? Or maybe a political system that “seems” to work? No of course not, it is the government that makes the choice. Why? Because there is a real right that needs to be done with. It is the right to feel the truth of life by digging into the body where there is a feeling of true.

This feeling of true just is, and it comes in the moment where you know what to do and can make the choice. This can be made in the government all the time but it is blocked by rights. You cannot do this because of the right to do this or the right to do that. Now the government gets rid of the true feeling or will not do it because it might affect their power and if you read the above then you know that any form of government cannot stand a threat to their power. So that is a right.

So then what does a right have to do with freedom? Simple in order for everything to be under control it needs to be broken up into bits so it can be more easily controlled. So when freedom is broken up it gets broken into rights.

The idea of freedom is the government because it has the definition of freedom and it has taken control of the idea of it by making sure that there is no way for people to talk about the idea without also talking about the government.

By the government gaining control it then has put fear into not freedom by over dependence on society. The idea of society is very different from real society; the real one is a person’s relation to another person. The fake one is cites, work, government and all that. So when something is talked about without freedom it is talked about without society and vice versa. Because government is considered part of society is safe from harm.

Now real freedom is totally different from all of this. True freedom really is to have nothing blocking you from within and when the last block is gone there is freedom.

So with that info on how different freedom and “freedom” are, and how mislead “freedom” is why you would spend any of your time debating about what gives more “freedom”

Sunday 8 September 2013

Numbers Being Accurate

Statistic is a funny word, it means a fact or piece of data from a study of a large quantity of numerical data. I want to break this down word by word so we can actually see whether using a statistic is worth the effort. For starters, this definition uses the word fact, but what makes it a fact? It must be proven and demonstrated to be real, however I do not see at all. People throw statistics around in the same way our language is, by putting it everywhere. Statistics are simply overused to the point that they contradict each other. For example, here is one that says 48 women are raped every hour in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and here is an article saying it is false. Even if it was true it is only the case for a certain amount of time, and another problem is that is how statistics are conducted.
As you can see here this is a link to how statistics are conducted.I think that they do not always work because of the situation the person conducting the test is in. So many things you perceive are dependent on your surrounding environment. If you are conducting a study on how many people go for walks when it is a rainy day then the results could be totally different if you do the same study on a sunny day. The problem with number based studies is that they are forced into place. Meaning that they cannot be accurate in any situation but the one that it was conducted in.
The problem is that it is not just statistics that are like this, it is also every system that we create. The way the world woks is dependent on a complex series of numbers and that is why statistics are conducted. You can get lost in your own logic if it is not to simple and to think these random numbers people make up work is insane.
We need an alternative of some kind, something that works on every level and not just in our perception. What I am talking about is simply not having things like statics in the first place. The reason why they are used is usually to sustain things that are also based on abstract things. For example, public opinion is something that is very abstract and is conducted by statistics. It is abstract because someones opinion is very complex, so if you take a million peoples thoughts and summarized it into something very small then it is simply out of touch with reality. The only reason why people need public opinion in the first place is because the person conducting it is dependent on it. Meaning you need to hear what others think for something like an election, which makes everything more binary and discrete.

So, what is the alternative? As usual it depends on the situation, I think that if you want to be a good writer you should not need to present you writing in such a way that you readers get lost in the sheer amount of your letters, the systems you use or the any statistic like thing. Your work should not be dependent anything but your own ability to express your thoughts. When you are writing a factual article then you should have more then a number of some kind to make your point. It is OK if you use it on the side but you will not catch me doing it.I think it is also good to to try and get rid of your number based lifestyle. Right now people live their life as little isolated parts of a big machine.

Now you know why there is not going to be any statistic based article that will be written up by me. Aside from that I would just like to emphasise the inportance of designing your own way of talking and writing, you never know when it will come in handy.

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Ten Grand Assumptions on How Environmental Science Will Not Work.

Science is a big part of modern civilization, whether anyone likes it or not. Without it there would have never been some great human accomplishments. I would like to talk about it because I think it is very important. In order to do so we must clearly define it. My definition of it is the combination of more than one natural objects that are used to either further human understanding or to change the environment.

People claim that this can help the world step out of some of its miseries, such as the ever pressing problem of unclean energy. There is a common idea floating around that we can keep our present lifestyle intact as long as we use new technologies for the limited resources we have. Some of these being oil, coal and fossil fuel. The most famous "new stuff" is wind and solar power.

I am going to make some guesses on the topic. With these in mind you might want to consider losing all hope of abstract technology saving the day.

I would like you to note then when I call these the ten "grand" assumptions I do not mean it in a fixed sense. This article is constantly getting updated and it is very likely that it will become the 11 "grand" assumptions or perhaps one of them will get dropped. It is just an outlook on the world and it must have a thousand flaws, I can understand that. Regardless it still is very useful to those that agree.

Assumption one is That the government and corporations will never stop their endless destruction of the earth until every last bit of natural resources has been consumed. How many bankers or politicians have changed their ways for good after people sent them waves of love? What about when people asked them kindly?  As far as I am concerned none have done so. That is not what is relevant; we need to look at why they stay the same no matter what. The answer is simple; they are too ingrained in themselves and in civilization. By the time you work your way up to the rank of CEO there is no turning back. You must to limit your creativity by fitting into the job requirements. The same goes for every way of living inside the civilized world. It is by no means a coincidence that this happened; after all it is the nature of this machine we call home. There is not really a way for the corporations or the government to go through voluntary change and they are necessities for changing the system from within. This means that if these so called sustainable things replaced the present technologies these two powers would make them unsustainable. For it is the nature of this civilization to consume without giving back and as long as it is intact things will stay that way.
Assumption two is that it is not a good idea to maintain our way of living even if we could create a sustainable culture. Let’s say we find new technologies that allow us keep our way of life and mind sets. Then we need to ask is whether or not we should do so. Look at your lifestyle from a neutral perspective and see. From birth you must meet this mad worlds demands, which include school, work, television, junk food, housing, shopping and association with the very system that is destroying the planet. I say it is not worth it to continue on our present path even if the environment is left unharmed. Regardless of what our civilization is built on, be it solar or oil, it will continue to suppress and control humanity via any means necessary. 

Assumption three is that there is no longer enough time to put all the necessary tools into place for some technological paradise. Do you think we have enough time to replace all the things that are harmful to the environment before civilization falls? We know for a fact that this resource based economy will fall apart and bring with it millions of lives. At this point in time we cannot expect a shift from unsustainable things to sustainable stuff to happen overnight. By the time civ falls what do you think will be left of the planet earth? Not a lot, already most of the fish in the sea are gone, half of the oil is gone and maybe worse of all most of our originality is gone. Ask yourself what kind of world you want to be left over after your death. You might want to ask yourself if there is going to be any world in the next few years. We need to destroy the bad parts of the world before there is no more nature left to defend.
Assumption four is that the amount of time we are putting into the destruction of the earth outweighs that of what we are putting into science. This is true in every sense; the government starts wars, does a horrible job maintaining this land base and indoctrinates humanity. Corporations are no better; they are very literally destroying the earth. This civilization is based on destruction. The majority of public effort that is put into changing the world does not go towards sustainability, but to consumption. We don't have the right mind set to even look into all the stuff scientists are talking about, much less bring them into being.

Assumption five is that the civilization we live in will not allow science to become what optimistic environmentalists hope for. Instead it will be kept abstract and isolated from the real world. People are afraid of new things, or at least our way of living makes these facts seem true. Nature is change and civilization is frozen into place. Our mindsets will not change; our economic system will not change, but perhaps worse of all our technology won't change. It is the rebels, revolutions and critical thinkers that accomplish the real stuff. No battle was won by abiding by the enemies laws and no victory was claimed by someone without a mastered self. The people that are trying to pursue these green technologies are too ingrained in civilization to change it. This is also no coincidence; it is the nature of the world to assimilate ideas and people that threaten the system. Every time a new technology pops up the same thing happens, the designers are lacking in will power and do the wrong thing, and then it goes through the market and becomes every other planet raping device.
Assumption six is that it is much better to destroy the things that damage the environment then replace them with other things that are supposed to do the same job. Do you think that solar energy is much better than oil generated energy? I sure do, but putting these things into place is a different matter. Clean energy has been around for a while and it still is not even proportionate to stuff like gas or hydro. It is now a matter of time more than anything else. If we do not get this stuff up and running soon there will not be any earth left to save. We have them as possible future alternatives, but nothing more. We need to look at ways to bring down these corrupt industries instead of corrupting the technologies by putting them on the market and allowing the system to take care of the rest. 

Assumption seven is that the technologies that already exist will not work because they have been around for too long, there time has passed. So, we cannot wait for another technology that does not exist. All the options that are at our disposal cannot work. Not because they are broken or never worked, but simply because they require corporation from the system, which has no intent on allowing any change. After all, civilization tries to stay frozen into place. People have put a lot of energy into these things, and I think the effort peaked a long time ago. Meaning as a movement, we can no longer continually try to change this system of CEO’s trying choosing our energy without consideration of the earth. They control the playing field and in order to put the technologies into place we must play their game. If, and when another thing comes up, we can change the plan. However until then, we cannot rely on magical scientists popping up and giving us something new. It is time to dismantle the polluting and dirty energy sources. 
Assumption eight is that the tools required to put a sustainable culture into being with science are ineffective and won't work. How do you think we will really change the way the energy is abused? It will no doubt require a lot of effort, which is fine, people, have already put a boat load of time into this. The problem is that these people are not spending time truly fighting for the birds, sky and all the heavenly riches of nature. What they are doing is asking for land, money and even the right to use their technology. The reason for this is that there is no other way to put these tools into place. You need money, land and laws to have this stuff. All of which the government and corporations “control”The way we fight must be compatible with the cause. However, on issues involving environmental science this is not the case. 

Assumption nine is that the stuff we have in mind for changing the world are not good enough and are still harmful to the environment. All the alternatives are the lesser of two evils. They still have problems which are mentioned here if we want a world that can last forever we cannot use metal for our windmills, minerals for our solar panels or plastic for our recycle bins. All these technologies are still dependent on non-renewable resources. This means that we could not use them to sustain a world population of seven billion. It is merely an endless delay of the natural worlds fall. What we need is something that can be made with nature, for nature. The things we have now have the intention of fuelling the destructive culture that is destroying the planet. If we want a technology that can meet the needs of the land base it would not be focused on saving civilization, but on saving nature. Yet there is nothing like this and as long as the world is in place this will stay the same. 
Assumption ten is that science in and of itself is to out of touch with nature to be in a position to save it. The entire concept of modern environmental science is flawed. No matter what we do it is going to stay that way, unless we re-create it from scratch. The reason for this is that science is a virtue, meaning that it acts a certain way no matter what. It acts as humans do because it is nothing more than a shadow of our perception. Something is only proven because we humans think there is enough evidence for it to be so. This may not be a bad thing but it means our perception controls what science does. At the present what we perceive is very limited and controlled. This is because of all the brainwashing the modern culture gives us. Unless we can change that people will find ways to make science unclean and bad for nature. It truly is in no place to save nature because it is created by civilization, which is destroying nature. If reform is going to come from technology, we will first need to get rid of all the things that limit our perception, including oil and gas, even if there is no present alternative. After that, we can move on to what is next, not before. 

With this in mind the most important thing we can do to save the environment is end the world's modern industrial workings. You might be surprised at how quickly the natural world will come back. I am not calling for the end of environmental science but simply a switch of focus. People may ask what will come after the end of oil. I say that the end of civilization may arrive. This in itself is beneficial to the environment. So with these thoughts in your head I leave you a very important question. What are you going to do about it?

Good luck 



Saturday 30 March 2013

My Moral Code

The question of what one should or should not do is an interesting question. It plays a big role in everyone's lives. You know how the little kid wonders if he should steal some candy and how the adult wonders if he should cheat on his wife. The truth of the matter is that no set of rules you set down for yourself will be a good decision in the future. The key is being well attuned to your environment and using improvisation from there. Say you are in the forest and have never been there before, you say "the best thing I can do is look for huckleberries because they are a good source of nutrition" then go and look for them. The problem is that you did not take the time to see if the forest you are in is the kind that supports them, the only reason you have to look for them is a rule you forced on yourself. The same goes for everything else.  Say you are poor and don't steal food because it is against the law then you have just isolated yourself from your own needs to uphold some abstract rule.
Improvisation is affective because there are so many situations and so many different options you could never decide by coming up with a bunch of ideas. If you know your situation then you know how to act. What you really need to know is how to know your situation. In order to do that what you need to do is get rid all the things that influence your experience. Some of the things that do this are emotions, the media, sex, violence, beliefs, video games, junk food, group think and civilization. After that all that will be left is your very own true and pure experience.
It is very important to know that no matter what you are doing there is an endless amount  of moves you can make and all of them make sense from different perspectives. It is your outlook  on the world that makes the difference. Some of these outlooks are optimism,. realism, idealism, pacifism, consumerism and capitalism. There are just so many outlooks that there is no way you could be all of them. Not only that but all these outlooks are different in different situations. For example being optimistic as a person is totally different from being a part of an optimistic movement. If you act according to one of them then you isolate yourself from your reality and if you consider all of them you could spend up to the rest of your life trying to make a simple decision. So this brings up the question of how do you act?

In order to do so you'll need an entirely different way of running your life on every level. What you need to do is stop viewing the world in outlooks. After that you can put any mind state into your head at any time. If you personally are in need of optimism then you can create it.  The same goes for the external if you don't have a permanent mind state that you live by then you can understand them from a neutral perspective. With that knowledge you can inflict these states of mind on others.

To go back to the moral code, after you do this then you can make the right decision at the right time. Just trust your judgment. Most people don't and find them selves adhering to others. The problem with this is the external world at this time only wants to suppress your common sense. It happens all the time.                                     
My conclusion is that although you can come up with as many rules you want you'd be better  of if you didn't.  Anyone can do that, what most people don't or can't do is connect themselves with the world enough to know what needs to be done. That is the secret and the key.

Thursday 14 March 2013

How to Brainwash your House Pets

The forced domestication of animals is a very complex issue because it spreads into the wild. Humans tend to domesticate everything; they do it to themselves and animals. This constant domestication is a serious problem because it is getting more and more spices hooked on civilization. As usual the people that see this are trying to find solutions that involve being lazy. Such as going vegan which has its own problems. Although these things may help it would be better for the environment if everyone bought furs and stopped asserting themselves over everything instead of vice versa.

Let us get down to business. How do humans domesticate their environment? What happens is people take control of their environment and in order to do that they need to destroy everything that is a threat. Threats include all the things that are wild like the birds, the bees and trees. All you need to do is isolate them from the place they have lived in mentally and physically which is nature. As soon as this happens animals lose control. Symptoms of this are over eating and amplifying like humans.  I am now going to give you an instruction manual on how to brainwash your pet and from there you will be able to see the domestication of everything in your own experience.

The first part is changing your outlook on animals. You need to stay unattached from your animals needs and view it in terms of ideas. Only act on what you think it is and not on what you see with your own eyes. If you were to use empathy then you could really change and if that were to happen then you could not continue with your life the way it is.

After you have changed you outlook on the animal you can go on to destroy its way of living. Because the thoughts you have know what is best for it. The best and most common ways to do this are so common they are almost unavoidable. Put your pet in a house and only let it go outside at a certain time, teach it a small amount words that it must live by, surround it by food that it cannot have thus putting it into a state of constant wanting and the list goes on.  By doing this you remove the pet from the present moment.

Eventually you will get bored which is important because when that happens your interests will change. Your pet will become less amazing and other interests will rise up. Over time you will pay less attention to your pet and by doing so you will not be able to see how it is changing into another robotic abomination.

In short by putting your pet in a strange environment and by doing what you do to your kids, which is distorting perception with vibe you can truly brainwash your pet.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Roll of Emotions in Activism

So you’re trying to start a movement? A lot of people try to do that, much more than you’d expect. Before you go any further you might want understand what you are up against. One of the biggest barriers you will need to face is what is inside people (ideas and emotions are some of the biggies). For now we will cover some of the main emotions you and others will face in the mission to start a movement. 

The first thing you will need to understand is that as soon as a movement starts it spreads like wildfire. The problem is being at the right place at the right time. The right way to do this is creating a nice sustainable group that does not have continuous highs and lows. For example a group’s members might be constantly changing, when this happens you will quickly find that you lose control. What you need to do is keep everything at a steady pace and as quickly as possible build up, just do not rush.

Emotions to have highs and lows and are one of the biggest causes of this horrible system of running things I just talked about. If you get rid of emotions control over your movement you will find that things will go a lot smother. Now technically speaking there is no way to get rid of people’s emotions unless every single member makes a commitment to doing it and that is very inefficient. Needless to say what you can do is get rid of a great deal of emotional control by simply seeing what it is doing and stopping it dead in its tracks.

So what we are going to do is cover a few basic emotions and their roll in movements.

1. Love

This one is a very important emotion overall. The problem with it is that people think that the same things that happen on the inner level will happen on the outer level. Just because love can really shake people to the bone does not mean it will shake the world to the bone. Love is a mind state and like most mind states it wants to radiate itself outwards. It wants to inflict itself on others and that is why people want to spread love.

Love is the justification for lack of action, when things like violence are brought to the table people never listen to the idea. There is a common misconception that love and pacifism are connected. The only reason people pull them together is because pacifism is another tool for love to justify. You see this all the time. People don’t want to blow up oil rigs out of fear so they change the emotion to love. That goes on and on until the ideas of pacifism and love are so interlinked that they are dependent on one another.

To stop this you simply need to do is raise awareness of this. In your group tell them that there is no time for inaction so love should not be discussed in meetings. Because love in this case is more of an idea than anything else if it is not talked about then it will not rise up.

2. Fear

This is another common problem you might have. The fear of action is the most well-known emotion for its utter control over movements. Because this emotion is so ingrained in people it is really hard to fight. People don’t even want to break a law if the chances of getting caught are outrageously low and by doing so it could further the cause massively. In fact most won’t even consider. The other problem is ideas and philosophies are powerless against this emotion. You cannot tell someone about some philosophy about law one on one and get this person to decide your right.

But here is what you can do. Most people over-look the fact that one on one people don’t change but in groups people do. You need to create a culture in your group where the ideas are against fear. People’s minds work differently in a large group then they do on their own. When people are alone their ideas have more control over them, people tend to stay firm to their beliefs. In short when on their own peoples states of being have more control over them and in groups this is destroyed by group think. What you need to do is create a collective mind where people want to break laws.

3. Boredom

Boredom might be your movement’s biggest threat. People seem to be terrified of this emotion and will do anything to avoid it. The very second boredom hits someone the person will take control of his environment to get rid of it. One of the problems is that people get bored way too easily. It is very likely that your meetings will be found boring by some people who will drop out. There is no way to change it so you must expect that to happen. The reason why these kinds of people join in the first place is every bad reason you can think of.

My course of action is to not allow these kinds of people in the first place. The question is what should we do when the people that matter get bored? A contact perhaps? Or maybe a trusted member? My solution is to dig to the source of the boredom because when you find it you can see the way to counteract it. Say for example a person gets board because none of his friends are in the group anymore. Then that means this guy has sensitivity to people, he needs to be around them and he cares about what people think of him. So the way to counteract the boredom is by applying peer pressure and group think. Just get the other members to tell him how much they need him; however the overall act of applying it depends on your resources and knowledge.

4. Hate

Hate is a very powerful emotion and is the cause of a great deal of the world’s sorrows. This emotion affects movements to a large extent because of its weakness, it is driven by thought. People need to justify their hate.  People target it towards a certain group or a certain event. In short people direct there hate towards the reason of the cause. If it is environmental then hate the oil riggers, if it is feminism then hate rapists and if it is communism than hate capitalism. The question is whether or not this will slow you down.

My answer is that it will if you cannot control it. Think about it, hate is an emotion and like all of them it just wants more of itself so one thing leads to another and it gets out of control. The first step to mastering it is by bringing it into the light. You will find that it has a presence that most people just ignore. Most people do not want to admit that they are feeling hate, what they do is cover it up. If you get them to see this then people will know when the emotion is rising up and they will stop it.

The problem is that it is incredibly hard to do this and the bigger you get the harder it will be to do. So you really need to pick and choose who you can work with. My advice on this is teaching the most powerful people in your movement this and because they are the ones who have the most influence over your group they take priority. Then afterwards you can use their power to direct the lesser members with this emotion.

5. The Felling of Rebellion.

I don't know if you want to count this as an emotion. The reason why I am discussing this is because it is a very important sensation. Often times when people join rebellion groups they are fuelled off it. The feeling of rebellion generates something I like to call "The Felling of Oneness" which makes you feel different and separate from everything else. When in some group that no one but the members know about you feel alone and separate from normal people. That leads into every part of your life. In a conversation you’re having with someone you get accused not living a life worth living then no problem justify it by thinking "little does she know I am doing my share!" Watching a documentary about action against the government then no problem just justify it by thinking "little does he know I am doing my share!" ­­­

This is not harmful but useful; the only problem is that some people only join groups because of the feeling. As the numbers of these people ad up your group can suffer from lack of will power. You cannot have a group of people that only want to work because of a feeling. If that were to happen then people would do more and more things to get the feeling. Perhaps it will come via bragging? you know when a member tells his girlfriend about what he is doing? Or maybe it will come out in people’s actions as an urge to commit a crime for no reason? Not only that but some people have different reactions to the feeling, there are those of us who get ashamed of themselves, there are those of us that experience this sensation in short bursts and then it wears off. You see? Once again if this is not mastered by your members there will be big problems.

How do we master this? It is very easy to identify, there is no mistaking this feeling and at first you will probably like it. You want to think about what you are doing, how you never thought your life would end up like this and a bunch of other things to stimulate you. What you need to do is shut of the thinking and then it will have no more control over you. The problem is how you get the members in your organization to do the same thing. As far as I know there is no way to force emotional control on people so you will simply need to stay safe and block off all the different ways this feeling can cause damage to your group one by one.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Will Power

Dedication, comes in many different forms, there is the dedication to train for a sport of some sort, there is the dedication to show up to work five days a week and the dedication to survive in this world. Dedication comes in small sizes like when you get out of bed in a morning and you are extra tired. Dedication is also very big like when you are some leader of some group like a country or religion for a period of years. But is this will power? Or is it something else? Will power is the fight for a cause, not a country or religion but instead for an original thought.

An idea is where someone thinks of some already invented thought and applies it to another thought. Then the person claims this is something new, but it is really just two old things put together. So as you can see an idea is not a thought, the same goes for theories and logic. An original thought is one of the real things to act by so do not justify your actions by logic or anything of the likes. But does this mean that an original thought is all we need to gain will power? No it is only part one.

Part two is applying the original thought to the real world were everything has a possibility to succeed but only original thoughts stand a chance, because unoriginal ideas are dependent on the fatal errors that have created this system of living. So if you use a flawed system to create another corrupted system there is no difference. Now the journey to push along the original thought is something that is always going to have an infinite amount of challenges. It is these internal and external challenges that are the cause of most people just giving up. It is only when the original thought has been experienced firsthand by the person that wants it to succeed that is can push by these obstacles.

Part three to get will power is too watch it, and dedication. Dedication rises up all the time for example when you spring out of bed to do something. So if you see it every day, every hour, every second here and now then then you can get a better understanding of it. Seeing will power and dedication are very important because when you see something in every dimension and none of them you have a strong perception of the moment and true perception is one of the main causes of will power.

Why is it that I use the term original thought? Why not just thought? If it were to be just a thought then it would mean that some external thing be it person, place or thing was the real source of the thought, not the person that wants it to succeed. So in this situation this “person” does not have a full understanding of whatever it is that he is trying to accomplish because the thought was not his own.

Is it possible to dedicate yourself to an important thing like environmentalism if all your thoughts are unoriginal? We all know environmentalism is not a new concept. So what must you do? For starters your ideas on accomplishing the ultimate goal can be original. There are common tactics that are good so does this mean that we cannot use them? No, but if those common tactics are used according to the text book then they will never succeed. Do you understand what I am saying? I am saying everything needs improvisation and must live in the moment. Text books don’t have the most important thing for success; they do not understand the moment. All a text book does is give advice but it has no real understanding of the situation the reader is in. So use these tactics but apply them in a new way.

All this has a very important role in will power, what you must understand is that if you are not doing all these things and are doing exactly what the rules say and are ignoring the moment then your goal whatever it may be, will be destroyed. In this process not only will your idea fail but you will lose the motivation to do it. The very system wears down not only what you want to accomplish but also you. This happens in schools when a child’s ideas get destroyed by the “curriculum” and then eventually he gets destroyed by the “curriculum”.

Society and civilization as we know it both destroy people’s will power and escaping this all depends on how much you are a part of it. It all falls into breaking yourself free of the world; once you know how to do that then you can know how to defend your original thought. This happens because when you are a free person this system has no power over you, it is dependent on keeping people who are not free of the world dependent. This thing is your idea so if you survive this system unaltered then your idea will to.

Now here’s the question. How can someone escape from the wold, society and civilization? You could move to the heart of Africa and live with the natives; you could live with the monks in Tibet to meditate the rest of your life, and there is always the option of living off the grid in northern Alaska. But if you are too soft then what you need to do is go on your own search for truth and the tools you need will come quickly, accomplishing them is a different matter, if you have the will then there is no problem. And what you are reading right now is what you need to do to find the will.
Sometimes you will find that the will inside you has taken a life of its own, almost as if your very own idea is controlling you instead of you guiding it. What has happened in this situation? Is it that you have taken the wrong path and your idea is really bogus? Not worth the effort? Maybe it is just that you have forgotten why whatever you are doing is important? Perhaps other more “important” things to do have sprang up? If you are thinking any of this you are wrong, what is really happening is the original thought has turned into an idea. Why are you not able to tell the difference between an idea and your own original thought? At least until it is too late? It is simply that is you are not in full control of what your original thought is doing. The creation of that problem is you are unaware of you, yourself, the machine inside you.

This “machine” is the generator of all ideas and is created by your deprivation of real experience (nature), it is controlled by this system that destroys free will and it is one of the inner obstacles we talked about earlier. So when you have an original thought and overcome all the external forces that destroy free will this inner one can be there trying to block your original thought and it does this by turning it into an idea.

Say you are having trouble deciding if this process is happening or not, in this situation something is definitely wrong. There is a possibility that you are thinking about this, if that is the case then you must stop thinking a come to a conclusion then. If however it is different problem then what you must understand is that you generally should not have any inner confliction around you original thought. If you did then it would mean the thought is not what you think because only ideas have flaws an original thought should be beyond this.

Let us talk about will power on a small scale. Not everything you do involving will power is going to be a life dedication, there is a possibility that a little thing will come pop up. What then? Generally things like this happen in bursts, you learn about something and then you get propelled to action. Most of the time you are not in control of this on the level you think you are. If the thing whatever it may be requires little or no effort and the end results do not change anything very much, it means you are doing it to block your free time hence keeping yourself away from the real world.

Now let us talk about will power on a larger scale. When you do something that has an effect just not enough to radically change civilization, when you have a lifelong goal that requires no change to your life. How do these ones get created? In order to justify your life, your actions, status and so on you must have a fall back, something that is a defense mechanism. “I don’t have any free time because I need to go to a protest” “I am saving the rain forest because of the petition campaign I started” and so much more come from the ineffective goal you have created.

Is there a way to have some goal such as this that is not an excuse? As far as I know there is not. A middle sized goal like this does have the classification of a dedication. If however you pour massive amounts of your will and put huge amounts of creativity into what you are doing then it can turn into something of real will power.

What do you do if you are starting to suspect that your goal falls under the section of what we are talking about? You must ask “am I thinking?” “Are emotions present?” “Is this a true goal or just some sort of social issue” And most importantly ask “do I really want to do this?” If you do not enjoy the work you are doing it means that your system of pursuing your original thought is similar to the world civilization has created.

Work is one of the corner stones of society and civilization; this consuming, corrupting thing can stun then permanently disable will power if you let it. So if you have led a life in schools and job’s your reaction to these things will play out in what you create. Because work is horrible and you have surrounded yourself with it you will be unhappy.

Happiness goes under many different disguises and only one of them is real. There are things that stimulate, but stimulating things are never anything more than the mask of addiction, there are emotions such as excitement that create the illusion of happiness, and the list goes on. So an even more likely problem is that your job makes you feel good. How can you tell if this happens? You must know happiness hence be able to recognize if you are under the control of false happiness.

The problem is in order to be happy you cannot look for it. Looking for happiness is the reason most are discontented. The civilization most live in has created an idea that everyone is separated from and this idea is fake happiness. It is not real because it is only an idea. Real happiness is always present; unlocking it is a different matter. Don’t you see? When you look for happiness you are going further from the real one that is inside you in the false search of an idea.

So back to will power, we now know that happiness is always present so if we feel discontented it means there is something corrupted that needs to be stopped.

Now for will power on the big scale. A life’s work, something you spend hundreds of hours on, something of pure will, something that you don’t rationalize about, something that is not hope, fear, lust or any emotion, something that is not a thought like ideologies and political beliefs, in short something true.

You must re-read, I say big and that is very important. Why does will power need to be big to be true? That is just like saying no small thing is good. I will answer in two ways the first is by telling you what big means. There are big buildings that tower into the sky; there are big weapons such as fighter planes, there is a giant crowd that joins up to protest logging every now and then. They are all big because other things around them are small; there are small buildings, weapons and protests. Big is only big when there are small things to compare it to. There is no big or small it is just that the world try’s to fit things into controllable spaces. This is big that is long and so on.

You must have a big dedication because the other ones around you are small and the will power that society has created is small. There should be no question of whether or not the thing you are doing is right of wrong or big or small. The second you have doubt you need to lean towards the impossibly big, not the big that society has put into place.

The second reason is that will power in and of itself is a huge thing hence it must be accomplished by huge means. Will power is the huge urge inside every one of us that sometimes is getting blocked off by justifications or even by the smaller will powers we talked about earlier on. Small things are ok if they are used as a part of a bigger act of will power. You can organize a protest as long as it has a real use or is part of a greater whole. The only problem is when the action is alone were it is the only course of action, and then it will never accomplish the intended means.
Now we are going to talk about two things, the first is perception and the second is realization. These things play a huge roll in will power so they are very important to talk about.

Perception is the ability to be a part of the present moment and the world is in a constant battle with it. In order to see the problems with the world you must have a good perception of what the world is, and in order to use tools to destroy the system we have in place you need a good perception of what your tools are. So as you can see, the world must not let its inhabitants perceive it in order to survive. So no one summons up will power because they think there is no need for it as they cannot see the problems with the world.

How can you gain a good perception or tell if it is being damaged? That depends on whether or not you have ever had a good perception of the moment. If you have truly lived in the present for some part of your life then it will be very easy to compare your two states of being. The problem is if you have not, then not only do you not know what you are going after (because you’ve never experienced it before) but there are no written up methods of finding out, reality is so amazing no number of words can describe it.

Exposure to nature is the key. As I have talked about before in my rant about national parks the world as a whole and on the individual level constantly trying to block off everyone’s connection to nature. It is a threat to our pacified and domesticated state of being. In order for you to develop a good perception you need to gain a strong connection to nature or at the very least something that is in constant change until you come to the realization that life is change. And that brings us to the topic which is realization.

Realization is the new experience of understanding, seeing and being what you have not yet understood seen or been. An example would be when you have a new idea that seems so perfect that you do not even bother to question it. Or when you have penetrated into a new part of what you are then see that there is more to you than you have thought. A realization has two sides to it, the first is where it is out of your control and you are its tool. The other is when you are aware of every part of it and know it so well that you will not let it get out of hand.

In the first situation where it is out of your control and you are used as its tool. What are you supposed to do? Realization can use you as a tool because in this day and age people have become dependent on ideas as a thought is in the mind not in reality. Reality has a strong connection to nature, change and life which are all things that we must be kept separate from in order the world to keep going on the same path. (Greed filled and based on consumption) So in order to free yourself from a realization you must free your mind of ideas and thinking.

The next situation is where you are aware of every part of the realization and know it so well that you will not let it get out of hand. How does this happen? If you were to live in a state of meditation then you would be aware of all the factors of your life including the realizations you’d have. So then with your sensitivity to your body and levels of awareness you’d be able to feel an idea and the pain of an idea. And shut the idea down. If you are really good at this then the idea will not come up in the first place. The real trick is getting into a true state of meditation and understanding the realization you have had. Only you truly know what your realization is because only you know the weaknesses you have and how it uses them to take advantage of you. There are however a few tips that may help.

The first is something that you need to understand. When I say that a realization or something like that is taking control I am not implying that it has a conscious awareness. What I mean is your conscious awareness is allowing that to take control because it is dependent on them. This dependency is caused by the present flawed human perception where our awareness is asserting itself above the earth and reality. The next tip is no matter what learning is one of the more useful tools at your disposal the more information that you have the better. Just remember that everyone is ready for every truth, every action and every thing right here right now. And the last tip is that true action purifies people from thinking, a common weakness. Action is like not thinking. An example of this is when you are really reading this paper out of your own free will and in times of peace. Your mind is not in the past or the future, it is not pondering on useless things. What it it’s doing is reading and that is an action. So a question you might want to ask as opposed to “how do I stop my weaknesses?” is “how do I act?”